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Gender Story: From Love to Love

"Love - A word used by many, but understood by few." – Reback.
So, what is the true nature of love? How to cultivate true love? Is love just a story of feelings? What will be the next step in love? With the desire to give students an open and correct view of love, at the same time improving their understanding of sex education and sexual health care, on April 5, 2022, the Department of Student Affairs organized a seminar: "Gender Story: From Love to Love" with the companionship of psychiatrist Dao Le Tam An.
In an open atmosphere, with enthusiasm and interesting narration, psychiatrist Dao Le Tam An helped students recognize and cultivate true love. The topic was well-attended and drew a large number of students who interacted with the reporter and asked questions.
Some pictures from the seminar:

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The speaker shares with the students about love
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Students excitedly take pictures with the speaker