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Topic "Journey to becoming a global citizen"

In the context of globalization, where the world is increasingly interconnected between countries and cultures, developing global citizenship skills is necessary to become pioneers who can live, Study and work anywhere, any country. With the desire to help students understand the journey to becoming global citizens, on May 9, 2024, the Student Affairs Department organized the topic "Journey to become global citizens" attracting nearly 400 students participated in Hall 10F.
Attending the program, on the presenter's side, there was the presence of Dr. Nguyen Chi Hieu - CEO & Co-founder of IEG Global educational organization. On the side of the Student Affairs Department, there was the presence of Master Dang Thi Kim Anh - Head of the Department along with teachers and students who are student affairs officers.
With many years of experience studying and working in other countries, the reporter has helped you understand the necessity of equipping yourself with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be able to integrate into the new environment. global competitive market, recognize opportunities and challenges in a globalized environment, and be better prepared with a ready mind to cope with difficulties in the journey to reach the world. Through the topic, it has helped students understand that to become a global citizen, not only must they learn foreign languages ​​well, but they must also have an open mind, deep vision, adaptability, and creative problem solving. . With a vibrant exchange atmosphere, the School believes that each student can prepare their own luggage, no matter what position they are in, they can shine and become true global citizens.
Some images recorded at the seminar:

Master Dang Thi Kim Anh gave flowers to the Rapporteur
Dr. Nguyen Chi Hieu shared at the seminar
The atmosphere was lively through the exchange and discussion
Students participate in the topic